Emergency Notices
Water Main Break
An unanticipated water main break has occurred on Tin Top School Road. There will be
an emergency water service outage for all residents located on Tin Top School Rd
between Kimberly Ct and Elizabeth Ct . MetCom crews are onsite making repairs; it is
anticipated that water service will be restored by 2:30 p.m. on August 29, 2024.
Upon restoration of water service, you may experience cloudy or discolored water. If
this occurs, please open, and run your largest volume cold water plumbing fixture (i.e.,
bathtub faucet) for fifteen minutes. If cloudiness or discolored water persists, please
contact MetCom at (301) 373-5305 for assistance.
Please be advised that MetCom may receive a high volume of customer calls during this
outage. If you have a water or sewer emergency not related to this outage, please
contact our customer service line at (301)373-5305 for assistance.
Upcoming Events
Commission Meeting
September 26, 2024, 3:00 p.m.
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