Greenbrier Water Pump Station

Located at 47314 Green Leaf Road, Lexington Park, MD
Background – Greenbrier Water Storage Tank
The project was originally part of the Greenbrier Subdivision Well Site Expansion Project. This capital improvement project is intended to provide a water storage tank to meet the capacity requirements for the Greenbrier Subdivision service area and additional storage denoted in the 2009 Facilities Plan. The proposed ground storage tank is necessary to increase storage to the existing hydropneumatic tank, installed in the early 90's, which is not adequate to meet domestic demand and fire flow to this 426 EDU community. The current system consists of one 210 GPM well in the Aquia aquafer, one 240 GPM well in the Patapsco aquafer, and an 8,000 gallon hydropneumatic tank.
Project Scope of Work
This project will install a new 218,000 gallon water storage tank, storm water management, sediment and erosion control, 500 GPM booster pump station, and electrical and SCADA upgrades to the current pump station. Initial scope will involve clearing, grading, and sediment control measures to prepare it for the installation of the ground water storage tank.
Customer Impact
Residents in the area should expect minimal traffic impacts. Please speak with our on-site construction inspector or call the project manager below with any traffic concerns.
Water Service:
Residents in the area should expect minimal interruptions to water service during construction. The contractor is instructed to alert all residents and must obtain METCOM approval before disrupting water service to customers.
Sewer Service:
Residents in the area should expect no interruptions to sewer service during construction.
Design contract was awarded to Mudd Engineering on May 13, 2019
Construction began on June 5, 2023 and is expected to be completed by July 1, 2024
Public Notices
Public Meeting:
Community HOA Meeting was held on January, 2019. For information regarding this meeting please contact the project manager.
Project Location

Project Contacts
Construction Photos

Above: February 2024
Below completed 8-19-2024